Friday, October 28, 2011


     The communities aren’t as strong as they used to be. More people are victims and suspects of hate crimes and kids have too much time on their hands which can lead to more violence. There are many talented people in our community and we may walk past a millionaire every day. Many people aren’t given the opportunity to broadcast their talent whether it’s on stage or not. We need a stronger relationship between University of Memphis and our community.
     There should be frequent activities for young kids, teenagers, and even adults to enjoy and keep their idle mind astray. The University of Memphis could hold Jammin’ Sessions or Open Mic where people who play an instrument, sing, rap, recite, etc. can come together and enjoy each other’s work in a peaceful manner. We should hold more opportunities for the community to come out and enjoy good music and food.
     When an idle mind is stopped and people are participating in functions within their community, a lot of things change. People start changing the way they think and the way they look at people once they have a better understanding of who that person is.
       This project will bring our community together. Build a stronger relationship between the people in the community and the University of Memphis students. It reduces violence, dead bodies being found on the street. The kids that have nothing to do after school could get involved in an Open Mic session at the University of Memphis, or when there isn’t an event going on they’ll go home and work on something for the next event.

      When people are doing something they enjoy, they start getting dedicated. They get dedicated to what they are working on and become willing to meet new people to get a kick-off on what they want to happen. They start building relationships with one another and teaming up, working together to complete something. Not only are these people getting along now but they are finding something in common which could be a recipe for a lifelong relationship.

     The best part about this is at the beginning there isn’t much money that has to be in this. As it gets bigger, more people start coming, and more people to start buying tickets to be in the show we can facilitate something more organized. We can present more opportunities for people with talent such as bringing famous producers in, or maybe a famous artist in general to show the people of the Memphis community a thing or two. The more people coming, the more tickets that being sold, is the bigger this event could get and the tighten the bond between University of Memphis students and their community.

     Many people have talents we know nothing about, and our community is too big to not get along with one another. There is too much crime in the city of Memphis, and if we can’t get to the city right now, we can always start a piece at a time. Getting people together and doing things they enjoy. 

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